Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Week 1 (again): MTC

Hello! ok i am going to try to tell you everything but im so sorry i have to be quick. It is my first pday here and i dont have much time to read your email but I will send you my email then respond to your email next week. does that make sense? I can just print it and read it and reply next week ya? Also i dont have time to make it organized so it might be hard to read but i figure anything will be better than my last letter! I made sure that I got a good computer this time. OK here goes...
It rains all the time here! I have heard the weather in london is a bit better but not much. Were just in preston right now.
They keep us busy here! there is never any downtime. Its a good thing! it will most definitely take some getting used to though. i love feeling productive and i love learning! i just wish that i could have the gift of endless energy and to never be tired.
They also keep it cold here! i think its because all of the elders are normally hot from their suit jackets.
my companion is Sister Larson. She is cool! (mom and sarah, we met her friend and sarahs shower) From what i have observed, she has a strong testimony. At first, i thought she was really quiet but its great to see her personality unfold. But the best part of all is that she is willing to exercise with me and it makes me happy! We wake up in the morning to go running. Ooh and get this, she is a cosmetologist too!! What are the chances? Slim, I tell ya.
We also say a lot of prayers here! I would guess we have probably said 30 prayers today. And, I was called on 3 times to say it in big meetings. I don't mind though:)
I dont have much time in the morning to get ready so it's a braid and bun for me most the time. But guess what, it doesnt even bother me! I like the fact that im not so focused on my appearance here and that my mind lets me focus on other things. We also sing a lot of hymns here! I wont try to sugar coat it, i dont like singing hyms. If it were up to me, we would skip the hymn altogether. But, i sing happily anyway. haha i know this is hard to believe but i am actually probably the best singer in my district. so that can give you an idea of how bad our district is. We struggle...I love my district though! they are all like my brothers. The only thing that is hard with them is they goof off a lot and it is hard to stay focused and exactly obedient. It sounds werid, but I worry that i am losing my personality. Im a funny, outgoing, happy person and between being tired, not wanting to goof off, and trying to be exactly obedient, its hard to stay myself. Cuz, i will be honest with you, myself is not someone who would study the scriptures for 6 hours a day and focus on the gospel 24/7. So i just need to try to find the balance of it all.
I am learning a lot here and I feel the spirit with me everywhere i go! We role play a lot here with fake investigators and I feel confident with it but I cant wait til I can be better.
I try not to think too much about family and friends. If i do, it just makes me sad. I think i start to miss you guys the most at night becuase I have so much time to think which doesnt happen during the day. Also, when I think about how long it will be (18 months).
The MTC is incredible though, there is soo much to learn. One of my biggest worries right now is that I am too tired to be able to always stay alert and focused. I kid you not, my eyes cannot stay open! The schedule is so strenuous. I keep praying to the Lord though to help this to not hinder me and for it to pass. I know that he is listening and with my faith, he can do all things (1 ne 7:12). I know that he is mindful of me. When I opened my journal to write all of this down, I read a verse that was on the bottom of the page (there is a verse on every page) and it said: but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength...they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Good stuff right?
A few days ago, we had assigned exercise time and it was one of the happiest hours of my life! I NEED that outlet. my companion is very easy going and will do whatever so we got to play soccer. We were the only girls there with 20 other elders but we didnt mind! Ooh also, i wore my Crossfit cedar ridge tshirt in honor of my crossfit family back at home. I miss crossfit. I dont know how to say this in a humble way so i apologize in adcance for the lack of humility, but i was on fire! (for lack of a better phrase) i schooled all of them! the elders and teacher playing wih us were all impressed. I think that its just becasue they have never seen a girl who was actually good at sports before. Sister larson and I will usually wake up at 540 to go running in the morning, then we have an hour in the afternoon that we will play sports with the elders and i will usually get a 15 min crossfit workout in. I even got some of the elders to join in yesterday haha they were dead tired it was hilarious. And a couple days ago, we played basketball and I beat 20 elders in Speed! haha the MTC quickly found out that I am a very athletic, fitness guru. And they all know that i eat healthy too. My district calls me sister Rabbit because i eat so much salad!
Like i said before, i braid and bun it up for hair almost everyday. Haha it was so funny the other day we tried one of the sisters straighteners and it worked for 5 mins but then...boom goes the dynamite! it exploded and smoke was coming out of it!
The food here is alright! I usually dont like the maincourse because its pretty unhealthy (burgers, fries, bread bowls, fried meat, pasta, etc) but without fail, they always have a salad for lunch and dinner! all of their dressings are unhealthy but they sometimes have salsa so i just use that! they also always have fruit. And for breakfast i eat yogurt, banana, and granola. I cant complain:) I am best friends with the Chef here. were are pretty tight. He always tells me im so good for not eating the unhealthy stuff and he makes sure to keep the salad stocked for me. Mom and Jacob I have not lost on the no junk food bet yet! How is it going for you guys? I know you think you can win, but you have to remember that I am doing a lot of good things in my life right now so the Lord might be on my side:)
Thank you mom for putting money to my account! Much appreciated.
Like I said before, my biggest worries so far are being tired, and being exactly obedient while still keeping my personality. My third worry is definitely the language. I have never been good with learning languages. I took 2 years of Spanish in high school and could never even have a conversation with someone! I know that the Lord will help me to learn it but you would never believe how hard it is i didnt think it would be this hard. I see progress everyday though. Today I had a full conversation with someone! thats success right there.
haha there is a very funny asian elder here. The other day we were taking a picture and the woman taking the pic kept saying that everyone needed to make sure to not play with their hair, shut their eyes, etc when it was snapped. Then he said, I'm sorry I cant help it, its just my race! hahaha it made my day.
I know that family members on missions bless familys (d&c100 or 104?) and I want to know if there is any one i need to be praying for back at home? How is everyone? How can I help with things?
How was Sarahs wedding? I kept thinking about it all day and converting the time over to see what Utah would be and guessing what you guys would be doing then.
I love you all. I am growing a lot here. Half the time i love the mtc but a lot of times it is really hard. Never have i once regretted my decision though and i know i never will. A mission strengthen a person in so many ways. I cannot wait to grow everyday and I know that it will make me such a better person.
I got all of your emails, but will probably only have time to respond to one fam member directly a week along with a letter to everyone. I will try my best though. Oh also, i have a new address for you for when im in the feild that i can get to you next week. Dont bother sending letters to the mtc.
Nicole i loved your letter and want to have a lot of time to respond back to it so i will wait til next week. Keep me updated and im might forget something so sorry if i send you another email in a few mins! love you! the gospel is true and will bless lives.
Sister Rabbit

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